YASA powered EV wins at Pikes Peak

28 June 2015

For the first time, an electric car is the overall winner at the Pikes Peak international hill climb. Faster than any other vehicle on the climb and winning by 25 seconds, the Drive eO PP03 is powered by six YASA-400 electric motors producing over 1000 kW of peak power and peak torque of 2160 Nm.

Drive eO designed and built the eO PP03, a fully electric and direct drive lightweight race car, and chose YASA high torque and power density motors to reduce the weight of their bespoke race car whilst maintaining superior performance.

YouTube video of Rhys Millen driving the YASA Motors powered Drive eO PP03 at Pikes Peak:

After qualifying fastest overall, Rhys Millen said:

"There is so much more in the car... the car is faster than I am. It's the first time in 22 years I've said that". See the qualifying story on AutoBlog.

Pikes Peak International Hill Climb is one of the oldest motor racing events in the United States of America. The race is run on a twenty-kilometre (12.42 mile) course with 156 turns that begins at 2,862 metre (9,390 feet) elevation and finishes at the 4,301 metre (14,100 feet) summit of the Pikes Peak mountain in Colorado Springs, USA.

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