YASA Sponsors E-Motor Conference

2 February 2016

YASA engineers will be available to discuss YASA's unique axial-flux motor and generator topology at this leading e-motor technology conference.

The theme of this year's conference is:

"The current challenge for e-motors is to develop light, small and powerful versions in order to make them feasible for the mass market. Here we encounter the catch 22: Only mass production will lower the costs encountered, but currently EVs are too expensive to create a mass market. The driving question remains: How can we produce high-quality, cost effective e-motors without reaching high volumes"?

For information about the conference, to arrange a meeting with us in Berlin or to learn more about YASA Yokeless And Segmented Armature motors, please do not hesitate to contact us by email sales@yasa.com or by phone on +44 1235 442 007.

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